Terms and Conditions

In accordance with Mexican legislation, this agreement is entered into between the brand called "Pi-Pa baby" and, on the other hand, the user who enters, navigates and/or uses the information or contact tools of the website www.pi-pababy. com who in this agreement will be called "User", making it clear that for this fact he absolutely and expressly accepts the "TERMS AND CONDITIONS", hereinafter "TYC" of "Pi-Pa baby" in accordance with what is indicated in article 1803 of the federal civil code regarding the electronic acceptance of the “TYC” of “Pi-Pa baby”.



The site www.pi-pababy.com provides the "User" with the catalog of accessories, clothing, furniture, shoes among others with their respective descriptions. "Pi-Pa baby" reserves the right to update said information when it deems it necessary.

The "User" must take into account that when purchasing a product in "Pi-Pa baby". You may encounter the following situations:

  • That the colors of the products displayed on the pi-pababy.com site may appear different from the actual color of the products due, among other reasons, to the configuration of the screen on which the website is accessed;
  • All Products are subject to availability, and it is possible that the order cannot be supplied in the time suggested by the "User";
  • All delivery times calculated and provided by email are approximate and are subject to eventualities, or to fortuitous cases or force majeure not attributable to "Pi-Pa baby".


 It is understood that the order made by the "User" constitutes only an offer to acquire the "Pi-Pa baby" Products and does not establish any binding contract until both parties have accepted the volume, delivery times and specifications. of the product. The formalization of the order may be considered from the moment the "User" places the order and makes the payment.

"Pi-Pa baby" will send the product(s) purchased through the www.pi-pababy.com platform to any address within the Mexican Republic.

The shipping costs and delivery days will depend on the service requested by the "User" who will be responsible for the shipping costs.

  • Express Shipping $160.00, from 1 to 3 business days from the day after the order.
  • Ground Shipping $140.00 from 3 to 7 business days from the day after the order.
  • Collection in store, without any cost and the collection can be done from the day after the order confirmation.

1.- The delivery period may vary depending on the state.

2.- The delivery period is subject to the time the order is placed.

3.- The days for delivery are calculated by Business/Business days. They do not apply on calendar days.

After completing the purchase process, the "User" will receive a confirmation email, "Pi-Pa baby" will begin to supply the order within the next 24 hours. It should be taken into account that business hours are Monday through Friday from 10 am to 7:00 pm. Shipping is not available on weekends or national holidays.

Once your order is shipped, the "User" will receive a shipping confirmation email with a link where you can track your package, it must be taken into account that the estimated time to track the order is 24 hours after after receiving the shipping confirmation.

"Pi-Pa baby" is not responsible for lost or stolen packages if confirmed as delivered by the parcel company. The customer assumes all responsibility for any loss or damage to these items.

The deliveries are exact to the addresses provided by the "user", so that anyone at the address can receive the package and therefore "Pi-Pa baby" takes delivery valid upon receipt at the address.

In the event that someone is not found to receive the package, after a first delivery attempt, the carrier will leave you a notice so that you can contact him and set a new delivery date. What can be done at the delivery address indicated or at one of the parcel offices. After another failed attempt, your order will be canceled and the return will be made, subtracting the shipping and return costs from the amount.

If the period stipulated within the shipping policies has already passed. Please contact us through our email info@pi-pababy.com .



The "User" is obliged to pay the total price of the products that he acquires at the initial price that appears on the website www.pi-pababy.com for each of the Products offered, the amounts corresponding to shipping costs will be added. which, if any, are generated. In any case, said amounts or rates will be previously communicated to the User, before formalizing the purchase itself.

Prices are subject to change without prior notice, however the price that will be used for a purchase will be the one published at the time of making the request by the "User".

The "User" must make the payment through the PAYU and PAYPAL Platform, PAYU allows cash payments in convenience stores, credit and debit card payments (VISA, MASTER CARD), SPEI transfer in the accounts provided for this purpose by "Pi -Pa baby" at the time of formalizing your order.



"Pi-Pa baby" holds, either by itself or by virtue of the conclusion of a contract with third parties, all rights to the content, design and source code of the Website and, in particular, with an enunciative but not limitative character. , on the photographs, images, texts, logos, designs, brands, trade names and data included in it.

All Users are informed that such rights are protected by current Mexican and international legislation relating to intellectual and industrial property or copyright.

Likewise, and without prejudice to the foregoing, the content of this website is also considered a computer program, and therefore, all current Mexican and international regulations on the matter are also applicable.

The total or partial reproduction of this Website is expressly prohibited, not even through a hyperlink, nor of any of its contents, without the express prior written permission of “Pi-Pa baby”.

Likewise, copying, reproduction, adaptation, modification, distribution, commercialization, public communication and/or any other action that involves an infringement of current Mexican and/or international legislation on intellectual and/or industrial property, as well as as the use of the contents of the Website if it is not with the prior express and written authorization of "Pi-Pa baby"

The "User" acknowledges that "Pi-Pa baby" is a registered trademark and undertakes not to misuse its logos, images and information contained on its website www.pi-pababy.com

"Pi-Pa baby" acknowledges that the blogs included on its website are not owned by "Pi-Pa baby" are references and useful bibliographic recommendations for parents who access www.pi-pababy.com

"Pi-Pa baby" acknowledges that the links included in the site www.pi-pababy.com are not the property of "Pi-Pa baby" they are the property of the publisher, where they are extracted because they contain information that gives meaning to the brand “Pi-Pa baby”

"Pi-Pa baby" informs that the mere fact of accessing and consulting the Website does not grant any license, authorization or implicit right on intellectual and/or industrial property rights or on any other right or related property, directly or indirectly, with the contents included in the Website www.pi-pababy.com


 "Pi-Pa baby" grants the "User" the right to enter, navigate and/or make use of the information and contact tools of the site www.pi-pababy.com and the link pages that said site contains.

The "User" is strictly prohibited from using the logos, information and/or images contained in the site www.pi-pababy.com for commercial use.

This website uses its own and third-party cookies to offer you a better experience and service. By browsing or using our services, the user accepts our use of cookies. However, the user has the option to prevent the generation of cookies and their elimination by selecting the corresponding option in their browser. If you block the use of cookies in your browser, some services or functionalities of the Web page may not be available.


"Pi-Pa baby" will only accept returns when the following requirements are met:

1.- The return must be made within the first 10 calendar days of making the purchase.

2.-The product must be returned in the same state in which it was delivered and must be kept in its original packaging and labeling.

3.- The shipment must be made using the same box or envelope in which the product was originally sent, or failing that in a similar format that guarantees the return in perfect condition to the address Boulevard Puerta de Hierro #5278-3, Puerta de Hierro, ZIP: 45116, Zapopan city, Jalisco state, Mexico country. You will be responsible for properly packing the product so that it does not suffer damage during transport.

4.-No refunds are generated. The return of the product(s) will give rise to a voucher equal to the cost of the returned product(s), less the cost of the collection service and shipping that is applicable. The voucher will be applicable for the purchase of any product in "Pi-Pa baby".

5.- Change requests for products sold on sale or with any discount or price reduction are not accepted.

Guarantee of the Products purchased

"Pi-Pa baby" acts as a distributor of manufacturers or wholesale distributors that guarantee that the products sold on the Website are of high quality. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the use that you give to the Products is your sole responsibility, without any responsibility of "Pi-Pa baby".

Once you have received the product, it will have an informative brochure of the brand, sufficient instructions for the correct use, washing, drying and ironing of the product.

In case of misuse when washing, drying or ironing, no returns or changes of products will apply.


 "Pi-Pa baby" and the "User" declare that they are not motivated by fraud, bad faith, or the intention of illegitimate enrichment, that they are aware of the scope and consequences of the legal regulations cited in this agreement. agreement and especially those for whose benefit they renounce, in accordance with the provisions of the sixth article of the Federal Civil Code, resignations that do not harm the rights of third parties, nor offend morality or law.



The "User" declares in this act that he releases "Pi-Pa baby" from any responsibility for any contingency or problem related to the lack of expertise to make payments with electronic transfers or bank deposits.

"User" undertakes to notify "Pi-Pa baby" in a timely manner about any problem that may arise with the delivery process, with the understanding that if the aforementioned communication is not made on time and in a timely manner, the "User" will be solely responsible for any contingency.



The parties agree that the use and management of the personal data exchanged between them by the celebration of this agreement will be carried out exclusively for the expressly agreed purposes, each party individually adopting all the necessary security measures to protect at all times the confidentiality of said information and respecting the provisions established in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data held by individuals, its regulations and other applicable legal regulations.



"Pi-Pa baby" reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this agreement when it deems appropriate and is obliged to notify the "User" through the site www.pi-pababy.com



The parties declare that they know and are aware of the laws that regulate this agreement, as well as the terms in which they are bound and the possible consequences that could arise from breaching it and all applicable regulations.


The parties undertake to respect the human rights of all people in general, avoiding discrimination, harassment, abuse or intimidation in any of its forms, in relation to: age, language or origin, nationality or race, marital status, gender, pregnancy, ideas, opinions or freedom of expression, special physical abilities, political, sexual, religious preferences, social or economic conditions or any other circumstance that threatens the freedom or dignity of people.



The "User" declares that he has full knowledge of the existence and content of the "FEDERAL LAW OF DOMAIN EXTINCTION" and declares under protest to tell the truth that his activity is in no way within those listed in article 8 of the aforementioned law. In addition, he declares under oath to tell the truth, that his income and the resources with which he will fulfill the obligations contained in the agreement, will always be of legal origin and that none of his activities is illegal, criminal or in any way auxiliary to the commission of a crime. some.



“Fortuitous Event” or “Force Majeure” shall be understood as any natural phenomenon that is exceptional, unavoidable, and irresistible, the effects of which cannot be avoided or prevented through due diligence or forecasting, including, but not limited to, earthquakes. , floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, landslides, lightning discharges, sinkholes and infestations, acts of authorities or federal, state or municipal agencies, board of settlers or any other entity. If an act of God or force majeure occurs, both parties agree to resolve said situation in accordance with the provisions contained for that case in the Federal Civil Code.



The Parties expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the competent common law courts in the city of Tepatitlán de Morelos, Jalisco, expressly waiving the jurisdiction and competence of any other court that by reason of their present or future domiciles or for any other cause. could match them. For the solution of any controversy that arises due to the interpretation, compliance and/or execution of this agreement, the Parties agree that the relative provisions of the Civil Code and other laws and provisions applicable in the State of Jalisco will be applicable to them.



"Pi-Pa baby" is committed to providing the services and products it offers with the due diligence and professionalism possible, requesting the respective feedback from the "User" for each purchase to create a continuous improvement plan that will translate into possible benefits for " User".